This amazing package is listed for FREE on Xstreet - ENGLISH VERSION - FRENCH VERSION
or directly at EyLiot Magazine - Carpe Diem, Yulmu (139, 12, 79) - CLICK TO VISIT

Thie package includes:

1. The Macumba Ritual - an interview with Abricot Capelo
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2. The Macumba Ritual - an interview with Abricot Capelo
Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show

- Photo source: Second Life
- Music: Candomblé - Santeria - Gira de Umbanda
Exu Louvaras Zelador * * * Oxossi Ogum Xangô *
    Director - Fernando Alves de Iyemonjá

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48 slides, music, animation, Second Life pictures and ... the most captivating story you read this year!

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! sensational ! mystery !
between normal & paranormal
3. The Macumba Ritual Cover (png), info
39.58 Kb WinRAR archive

An amazing interview, a real life experience story told in Second Life by Abricot Capello.
-What does Macumba mean?
-Do the Macumbeiros invariably embody the dead during those rituals?
-Do the Macumbeiros fully remember and control their actions or dance like
zombies during these rituals?
-Are you still practicing the Macumba ?
-Considering all the inconvenience arising from the practice of this ritual, do you think people should stop practicing it?
-Can anyone learn how to talk to the dead?

Come, cross the border with EyLiot Magazine, Art Studio & Abricot Capelo !

‘The Macumba Ritual - a journey towards light’ package is produced by EyLiot Magazine – a Second Life expedition between normal & paranormal
Author: Ieny Kristan
As you can see the sale price is very low, but we are happy anyone can afford our magazine!